In their latest update Paycheck First goes out of their way to provide some much needed intellectual and strategic help. Since bargaining team members can't do it themselves PF provided a good idea for a wage proposal. This is totally different than AWDU's non-strategy that they have been trashing.
What does AWDU do in return? They HACK the website. Have they no shame?
Our first piece of evidence is the following text:
As for the concern that UC will trash the Bargaining Team as greedy for making such a proposal, we say hit them first and hit them hard with their own words and reasoning. UC is very fond of justifying its compensation policies with appeals to the market. For example, two prominent UC Regents recently espoused such a justification for executive compensation increases:
“The University of California competes with the world’s premier institutions, both in terms of recruitment and retention. And top talent requires competitive compensation, an unavoidable fact of life.” (UC Regents Gould and Varnier, SF Gate, August 12, 2009)
We propose the Bargaining Team use these exact words to justify our compensation increases. Will UC management trash their bosses as greedy? We think not.
All they could do would be to argue that student workers are less worthy than UC Executives of market-based compensation increases or that our work is less valuable to UC’s mission. We say let them try it!! We will see them on the barricades if they do–it would be “an unavoidable fact of life”!!!
Remeber, PF is against conceptual bargaining. They strongly opposed the "competitiveness" narrative, and wanted to just focus on hard numbers. The blog post this was taken from started out with lots of specific numbers, but ended with this obvious hacking of their website. Notice their advice contains NO NUMBERS and uses the same narrative that AWDU itself has been using. Clear proof that PF was hacked!
Finally notice that the title of the post is "Sincere offer to help" since when do people have to preempt what they say with sincere? Its like when someone says, "Honestly I have no idea how that happened", you know they are lying. We are guessing the original title was simply "Offer to help", and AWDU hacked it to appear tongue in cheek.
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