Sunday, October 6, 2013

The procreationist bias in the AWDU dominated Bargaining Team

Something we can agree with management on: Student-Parents don't belong on the bargaining team - or really even in the university.

The UAW bargaining team has been pushing their AWDU lead procreationist agenda on the University. With calls for fully subsidized childcare and dependent care, as well as lactation rooms easily accessible to working mothers who are nursing, and parental leave for an entire quarter.

FACT: The Earth is already over populated.
FACT: We are near peak oil.
FACT: Every additional person on this planet is just another carbon footprint, and scientists say that there is too much CO2 in the atmosphere that we may not be able to turn back on global warming.

Question: Why are we wasting our precious resources on children and a future that humanity will not have?

The irrationally procrationist AWDU lead Bargaining Team is trying to push our planet over the edge by making the university more "family friendly."

UC Lead Negotiator Nadine Fishel stood her ground against this breeder blitzkreig when she sarcastically asked, ""Are you suggesting that the university is responsible for the person making a choice to have a child while in graduate school?"

Nadine is right to point to the fact that having children is a CHOICE, a bad choice at that.

We want to applaud her for standing up to the pro-baby thuggery.

We also want to point out that two single parents from Santa Cruz on the Bargaining Team were NOT at Bargaining in San Diego. How just like parents, to leave their dirty work to be done by the rest of the team.

Well we have a message for all the student-parents on the bargaining team: Get rid of your kid or get off the damn bargaining team! There is never an excuse for missing a bargaining session! 

(Note: We want to thank Paycheck First for reporting on this first!)

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