Monday, October 21, 2013

Paycheck First website is hacked!!

The trolls in AWDU will stop at no ends to harass their critics!

In their latest update Paycheck First goes out of their way to provide some much needed intellectual and strategic help. Since bargaining team members can't do it themselves PF provided a good idea for a wage proposal. This is totally different than AWDU's non-strategy that they have been trashing.

What does AWDU do in return? They HACK the website. Have they no shame?

Our first piece of evidence is the following text:

As for the concern that UC will trash the Bargaining Team as greedy for making such a proposal, we say hit them first and hit them hard with their own words and reasoning. UC is very fond of justifying its compensation policies with appeals to the market. For example, two prominent UC Regents recently espoused such a justification for executive compensation increases:
“The University of California competes with the world’s premier institutions, both in terms of recruitment and retention. And top talent requires competitive compensation, an unavoidable fact of life.” (UC Regents Gould and Varnier, SF Gate, August 12, 2009)
We propose the Bargaining Team use these exact words to justify our compensation increases. Will UC management trash their bosses as greedy?  We think not.
All they could do would be to argue that student workers are less worthy than UC Executives of market-based compensation increases or that our work is less valuable to UC’s mission. We say let them try it!!  We will see them on the barricades if they do–it would be “an unavoidable fact of life”!!!

Remeber, PF is against conceptual bargaining. They strongly opposed the "competitiveness" narrative, and wanted to just focus on hard numbers. The blog post this was taken from started out with lots of specific numbers, but ended with this obvious hacking of their website. Notice their advice contains NO NUMBERS and uses the same narrative that AWDU itself has been using. Clear proof that PF was hacked!

Finally notice that the title of the post is "Sincere offer to help" since when do people have to preempt what they say with sincere? Its like when someone says, "Honestly I have no idea how that happened", you know they are lying. We are guessing the original title was simply "Offer to help", and AWDU hacked it to appear tongue in cheek.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

UPDATE: Paycheck First STILL stuck in Parallel Dimension

So far we have been the only place to bring you the news that in their autocratic urge to purge our union of all democracy and dissent the ruling caucus AWDU banished Paycheck First to a parallel dimension.

Because it is a parallel dimension, and only some things are bizarrely different, it has been hard to tell is PF has found their way back to our reality or not.

However, it has become clear that they are still trapped in another world.

In a recent post, PF makes a desperate plea to AWDU (as if they would listen!) to please get a bargaining strategy. The post is very angry at what they perceive as AWDU's lack of any strategy at all.

How does this prove that they are still stuck in a parallel dimension?

Well, because the AWDU that they are describing is totally different than the conspiratorial vanguardist oligarchs that they used to write about. Remember the HUGE controversy that the AWDU lead bargaining team was planning on having actions through December?? And remember the post about how a certain member of the bargaining team was boycotting a meeting that AWDU had been planning for months that was open to all members statewide to get involved in escalation planning?

There you have it. Hard proof that PF is still trapped in a parallel dimension. Luckily for them they are in a world where AWDU is like the police in the Simpsons, bumbling and aimless, as opposed to the AWDU in our world, which is like the secret police of Soviet Russia, or the machines in the Terminator series - unstoppable heartless automatons hellbent on destroying all around them.

At first we were hoping that Paycheck Only might not only take down AWDU and democratize our union, but that it would also find a way to bring back our comrades from their extra-planar exile, but now we are thinking that maybe PF lucked out, and maybe we should find a way to travel to their world. It sounds so much better than our own.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Against concepts: The case for numbers-only bargaining

To our surprise the UAW bargaining team finally passed a wages proposal. This actually comes as a shock to us. We actually thought that the team was going to ignore any economic proposals in favor of the cutsie social justice stuff they love to talk so much about.

We would actually like to take credit for them passing a wages proposal. If it wasn't for our voice and your dedicated following of this blog then they may not have felt the pressure to actually bargain over wages at all.

But lets not celebrate yet.

The proposal they passed had NO NUMBERS in it. None. Zero.... Wait... Not zero because that's a number. Nada? Is that zero in Spanish or something?... Anyways, you get the drift.

How is management supposed to know how much to pay us if they dont pass a number?? How can management pass a counter-offer if they don't know what they are countering??

From the reports we have gathered through our NSA-like intelligence netowork all we know is the following. The proposal calls for a wage that makes graduate education at the UC competitive again, and is based on a competitiveness report put out by the faculty. Th report could probably be found by googling it, and could be read, but like management we don't really feel like doing that much work. Just give us a damn number.

Sure, some might argue that there's a strategic thinking behind trying to control the narrative by talking about competitiveness, but since we don't like AWDU we're instead going to just say that management will be controlling the discussion since they put out a number and we didn't. Studies show that people like numbers. I forget what percent of people like numbers, but that doesn't matter anyways.

We are hereby calling on the bargaining team to only pass numeric proposals from now on. We've created a helpful guide for the team below.

Here's a list of demands that we oppose since they don't have numbers in them:
-Affordable Housing 
      How much is "affordable" anyways? Its not like anyone knows what this means.
-Fully subsidized childcare
     Last we checked, "fully" isn't a number...
-Abolition of the 18 quarter limit
     Again, how can management counter if we don't give them a number?!?!
     Categories of people that shouldn't be discriminated against or harassed are not numbers. This makes no sense.
-Research Assistant Bargaining Rights
     Which RAs? How many unions do we want them to have? Again the lack of numbers just stalls the process of bargaining since it gives management nothing to respond to.
-Smaller class size
     While no class size proposal has been passed yet, thankfully, we hear that the team is working on a proposal for smaller class sizes. While it isn't finalized yet we bet that there will be no numbers in it at all. 
-Better Access at Orientations
     A stronger demand would specify exactly how many feet away, and how many, union activists can sign people up during TA orientations.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Quiz- Who said it: UC Management or Paycheck First?

Quiz- Who said it: UC Management or Paycheck First?

Seems like someone thought it was funny to make a quiz where you have to figure out who said what- whether it was UC Management or Payecheck First.

Well we aren't laughing.

Paycheck Only may have broken away from Paycheck First, but we still strongly agree with them and the idea that someone can't tell the rhetoric of this caucus from the rhetoric of the bosses is crazy.

What's even crazier is that we scored so low on this quiz....

Sunday, October 6, 2013

AWDU sends PaycheckFirst to a parallel dimension to silence opposition!

Wow are we glad we formed this splinter group when we did! 

It seems as if AWDU has conjured up some Necronomicon-level evil and sent Paycheck First to a parallel dimension, just to silence the dissent and continue their vanguardist hegemony. 

Luckily we survived because we knew when to abandon a sinking ship. We stuck to our principles and said, Paycheck Only!, and because of that we have survived.... for now.

Why do we say that PF is in a parallel dimension, well because despite their usual lies and distortions, they seem to be FOLLWOING THE WRONG NEGOTIATIONS.

Paycheck Fist reports that UC Management has proposed to extend the current contract until June 30th. 

Here's the problem:


At least, not in this dimension.

In our spacetime management proposed that the new contract (which obviously has yet to be agreed upon) should expire on June 30th, instead of September 30th (as has been custom), three years from now. 

Paycheck First is known for its extensive fact-checking, so why would they be SOOOO wrong on this? Clearly the only LOGICAL explanation is that in order to further silence opposition AWDU has cast PF off into a parallel dimension, where in that dimension management has proposed to extend the contract until June 30th. 

Its a shitty fate, but its better than being frozen in carbonite.

The procreationist bias in the AWDU dominated Bargaining Team

Something we can agree with management on: Student-Parents don't belong on the bargaining team - or really even in the university.

The UAW bargaining team has been pushing their AWDU lead procreationist agenda on the University. With calls for fully subsidized childcare and dependent care, as well as lactation rooms easily accessible to working mothers who are nursing, and parental leave for an entire quarter.

FACT: The Earth is already over populated.
FACT: We are near peak oil.
FACT: Every additional person on this planet is just another carbon footprint, and scientists say that there is too much CO2 in the atmosphere that we may not be able to turn back on global warming.

Question: Why are we wasting our precious resources on children and a future that humanity will not have?

The irrationally procrationist AWDU lead Bargaining Team is trying to push our planet over the edge by making the university more "family friendly."

UC Lead Negotiator Nadine Fishel stood her ground against this breeder blitzkreig when she sarcastically asked, ""Are you suggesting that the university is responsible for the person making a choice to have a child while in graduate school?"

Nadine is right to point to the fact that having children is a CHOICE, a bad choice at that.

We want to applaud her for standing up to the pro-baby thuggery.

We also want to point out that two single parents from Santa Cruz on the Bargaining Team were NOT at Bargaining in San Diego. How just like parents, to leave their dirty work to be done by the rest of the team.

Well we have a message for all the student-parents on the bargaining team: Get rid of your kid or get off the damn bargaining team! There is never an excuse for missing a bargaining session! 

(Note: We want to thank Paycheck First for reporting on this first!)